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Kiss FC Setup Tutorial

In a continuation of the Alien build video, (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrOJySAljwE) Chad and Chad walk through how to set up the Kiss flight controller and ESCs,...

Review: ZTW Flash ESC BLheli_S 20A 30A 2-4S

Dank zij ZTW kregen wij de kans om de net nieuw uitgebrachte blheli_s  “FLASH” serie esc's van ZTW te testen. ZTW is nog niet...

How To Use BLHeli Passthrough to Program BLHeli ESCs

Please consider supporting me via Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/thedroneracingengineer BLHeli passthrough means that you can flash or program your BLHeli ESCs using your flight controller's USB...

Quadcopter ESC Replacement, Outside-In

I demonstrate how to change a quadcopter ESC from the outside, without disassembling your whole frame and flight controller stack to get at the...

IMPORTANT FOLLOWUP r.e. Multishot (Don’t Burn Down Your Puppy)

Some commenters have suggested that I left some important things out of the Multishot video. 1. BLHeli Multishot is experimental, beta software. If you...

How To Enable Multishot For BLHeli and Betaflight

Multishot is the next evolution of the protocol between the flight controller and the ESC. Just like OneShot was better than PWM, Multishot is...

Tip: Haal het maximale uit je ESC kalibratie via BLheli

De meestvoorkomende manieren om race drone ESC's te kalibreren resulteren in een lagere resolutie tussen de flight controller en de ESC. De methode die...

The Effect of Top-End CleanFlight BLHeli Throttle Calibration

Is top-end Cleanflight or Betaflight BLHeli throttle calibration worth it? Does it actually improve anything? Yes. In this video, you'll see the actual gyro...

Cleanflight BLHeli Top-End Throttle Calibration

How to calibrate the top end of the throttle curve if you are using BLHeli and Cleanflight or Betaflight. Calibration of the ESC throttle...

Tyrant 180 FPV Laps (RAW)

Today I went to my local spot and made it a little track to practice my speed, precision and my new setup :D Sorry if...

DJI stapt in Drone Racing!

Het welbekende drone merk DJI, dat nomaal video drones maakt, ziet kansen in Drone Racing en lanceert nieuwe Takjon drone racing ESC's. Er is nog weinig...

Same day, 2 locations

Dquad Reflex 5" in the dunes Dquad Reflex 4" used in de park KIss FC Kiss 24a esc Kiss OSD Cobra 2204 2300 TriBlades