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Tag: Cleanflight

Eachine QX90 Micro Brushed Quadcopter | INITIAL SETUP

The Tiny Whoop is ushering in the era of the micro brushed quadcopter, and here in the Northern Hemisphere, it's going into the season...

What Cleanflight / Betaflight Target Should You Use

People are always asking me, "What target should I flash to my flight controller." The target is the thing you select from the pull-down...

PID Tuning / Blackbox Log Analysis Livestream – 10/31/2016

21:46 - norwenkel - https://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showpost.php?p=35856211&postcount=2328 27:55 - mr2mkii - http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showpost.php?p=35856754&postcount=2329 41:36 - Vaflius - https://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showpost.php?p=35888790&postcount=2342 1:02:39 - symowallo - https://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showpost.php?p=35909119&postcount=203 1:15:24 - abadonna - https://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showpost.php?p=35915744&postcount=2356 1:28:15 - Backdraft83 -...

BLHeli Motor Timing | EXPLAINED

If you want to know about BLHeli motor timing, you need to know how a three-phase brushless motor works. Here's a brief overview on...

How To Calibrate Cleanflight / Betaflight / MWOSD Current Sensor

One of the biggest reasons I love the RedRotor RROSD is that its current sensor comes pre-calibrated. But there are lots of great OSD...

Blackbox Log Analysis: cookie9 – 10/24

Please consider supporting me via Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thedroneracingengineer Original post here: https://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showpost.php?p=35806731&postcount=2293

Blackbox Log Analysis: mr2mkii – 10/19


Blackbox Log Analysis: gulzaar – 10/18


Blackbox Log Analysis: lucky_13 – 10/17


Joshua Bardwell Livestream Quadcopter Q&A – 9/15/2016

I answer whatever questions you want to ask! The same rambling that I do during my blackbox log analysis livestreams, without any blackbox log...

Omnibus F3 All-In-One Flight Controller – Betaflight OSD

PLEASE NOTE this warning r.e. the MRM Omnibus - The first version of this board have motor outputs 3 & 4 reversed. The...

How to video: PID tuning

Ja we hebben er al een aantal posts over geschreven maar we kwamen nu een filmpje tegen van Skitzo waarin hij perfect uitlegt waarop...